Author Archives: jetaimeculo

It doesnt cost a thing to smile :)

Hot Mama

How hot is she?!

Thich Quang Duc

Thich Quang Duc, who burned himself to death at a busy road intersection on
11 June 1963. Duc was protesting the persecution of Buddhists. After his death, his body was re-cremated, but his heart
remained intact, this was interpreted as a symbol of compassion.

Nelson Mandela

First and foremost my fellow blogger and I would like to wish Tata Nelson Mandela a Happy 94th Birthday.

Today our country celebrated the birthday of our most prized leader, role model, Tata (Father in Xhosa). Families, friends, students gathered together around South Africa to sing at 08:00am today to our former president.

Last year it was decided that their would be a Nelson Mandela Day, which is a initiative that requires everyone to lend a helping hand for at least 67 minutes … 67 represents the amount of years that Nelson Mandela spent fighting for freedom and equality amongst all people. So, many gathered to build homes for underprivileged people, bought food and clothes for orphans etc.

It honestly touched my heart to see many people with such a huge spirit of giving, but I hope it doesn’t end today.

Hands Of Comapassion

So this past week I have had the privilege of visiting a clinic in Kwa-Zulu Natal Pietermaritzburg. My oh my did I see and learn about things that I only see on tv, you know how it is, most soapies/movies edit stories to sell and to earn a profit. It never occurs to you that such things actually happen to real people.

I unfortunately witnessed things such as teenage pregnancy, people that HIV/Aids at such a young age, and kept asking myself but why?? how?? are these people not educated about safety precautions on handling an infected person or to practise safe sex. Then a few hors later after seeing how happy the people that are victims of such an evil killing disease I was at peace and instead of thinking the way I did earlier my menatlity changed to ‘They’re people too’  just like you and I they are not any different nor are they less of a person.

As the day progressed I also then learnt about they’re circumstances such as where they lived and as compaed to a normal middle class person they are really struggling, and it saddens me that not enough people are doing enough to reach out to those that are less fortunate then we are, what difference it would make if one person reached out their hand and assisted where they could. some of these girls contracted HIV or fell pregnant because they were rape victims.

So after spending time with babies and sick patients it really confirmed for me that I do wanna study Medicine and be a docotor as I was a bit skeptical. So this will be my way of helping people…… WHAT WILL YOU DO???



The glow of her skin
The maturity of her hands
The nature of her smile
The steadfast strength of her legs
The knowledge in her eyes
The suspence in her heart
The fulfilment in her heart
The sweetness of her lips
The convex of her belly

This woman turned tainted to perfect
276 days of unsurpassed perfection
From the moment of recieving to the moment of giving
The pride she has in her maternal state
She’ll calm any storm and break any chain

Because she’s been given the gift that no man could bare
The illness deep within her being that no man could tolerate
But she will suffer this illness to satisfy her purpose
Her body metamorphasises to accomodate this being
This being,growing…beating…living

And her pride radiates and oozes tenfold
This woman is a carrier,she is a fortunate.
She bares a phenomenon,she holds life within her
This woman,this beautiful woman
The bearer of a child… is a mother


A nail into my wrist doesn’t reach the feeling of a broken heart
A blow to the chest doesn’t fathom the realistion of your betrayal
The cracking of bones by machinery doesn’t touch the pain that is layered deep in my throat as I cry
I’m beyond tears,beyond feeling,numb as though I’ve been beaten to oblivion
And all because of another me
Another female being
Inside what I thought was our own little niche
I stand before you and say
“I’m the shattered proof of loves mistake”

Honesty was not the policy in your eyes
You infused me with feeling,being hypnotised
My hearts rhythm was led by your drum
and I felt that our love was a unique one

An arrow to my chest feels like a pin prick compared to the notion of her words
“He’s not just yours,he’s mine”
I felt like screaming but only inside me that scream would be heard
I gave you my love on a gold plated platter
You fed me with feeling making me emotionally flatter
I ate and devoured all your sweet nothings
And made em taste so good,even sweeter
I swallow them now like purified ether
I want to hate you and tear you apart
That’s my minds saying, so different from my heart
I’m standing here to proclaim
“I’m the shattered proof of what love can make

Soweto Uprising 1976

Today in South Africa we celebrate the day that many scholars lost their lives whilst protesting for better education, many of these children marched because the government introduced the compulsory use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction.

June 16 the day of the march: Sadly the police responded with teargas and live bullets. Twelve-year-old Hector Pieterson fell to the ground, fatally wounded. He was picked up by Mbuyisa Makhubo, a fellow student, who ran with him towards the Phefeni Clinic, with Pieterson’s crying sister Antoinette running alongside.

The photo went around the world and Pieterson came to symbolise the uprising, giving the world a view of the brutality of apartheid.
It is commemorated today by a South African national holiday, Youth day, which honors all the young people who lost their lives in the struggle against Apartheid and Bantu Education.

Nailed it!

So winter in South Africa has just kicked and we are settling into our winter colour palette. But as a little lick on our fashionista palettes, here are some nail colours expected to make an appearance this Spring/Summer season. And boy, oh boy am I excited. These pales gone neon have got me going gaga for this coming season.

Watch this space, we’ll be splashing some upcoming clothing and hair colour trends for the upcoming season in 2012.

The Ex Factor

So we had our thrills and spills and rolling around in the sheets here and there. We shared meals and laughed hard at one another. We had our ‘Your CHEATING’ arguments and tears streaming down our faces at how much we miss one another. And now it’s over. Stayed single for some time to see whether I liked the single life and in that time, my first love came back to me (Yes, sickening cliché but it happened,lol.) Now my life is a full circle and I’ve settled into my niche. And then he decides to come back.

I don’t understand what it is with ex-boyfriends (and guys in general) deciding that NOW your good enough for them when your already with someone else. Why did you not shower me with love and affection when you still had me? I am finding so hard to understand why some men are so… So… Blind. Maybe my fellow bloggers can help me understand because at this point, I think I’ve sworn every known swear word in the book to get him off my back and he’s STILL googly eyed for me

Even though the saying goes ‘you won’t realise what it meant until it’s gone’ I’m not about to turn back and waste energy on reviving a relationship that’s run it’s course.